The School of Christ graduates in Nicaragua
God bless you Pastor/President Robert Turnage, School of Christ Staff, and Supporters:
Praising the Lord that the work here in Nicaragua still continues. The Gospel of Pentecost is being preached and the doors of ministry are remaining open. We are moving forward in the work of God that has been entrusted to us. Nicaragua needs an urgent move of the Holy Spirit, and we will not rest, but will continue to plan and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will continue to train through the School of Christ, vessels who are willing to be used by God, and will bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to this country.
We had a wonderful week starting a new School in a maximum security prison with thirty students in attendance. They received this message with open hearts and it was wonderful to see. I give God the glory for His great mercy in leading us in this great work. We face many daily challenges but He makes us “more than conquerors” through His grace.
At the present we have two SOC Schools running in the city of San Marcos, Nicaragua, and a School is in the capitol city of Managua, with fifty students in attendance. We have started a new School in Leon, Nicaragua, with thirteen students. The Leon School is made up of mostly pastors who are interested in this Message of Pentecost. What a blessing to see how their spiritual eyes are opened when they begin to watch the School of Christ lessons preached on DVD by Pastor Clendennen.

School of Christ School being taught in Nicaragua
There is a great need and the resources are few, but God has given us a team of workers in this country that are dedicated to the work of God that is helping carry the Message of Pentecost to this nation. These men of God are working shoulder-to-shoulder, and I can say as the Apostle Paul, “they are true companions of Christ.” God bless you and continue to pray for Nicaragua and the workers God has called to this mission field.
Delvis Soza
SOC Field-worker