Pastor Evanilton and Pastor Shimizu’s churches in Ota and Oizumi, Japan, joined together to form one School of Christ with twenty graduates. 

This combined School was run in three one week Schools because of the work situation in Japan.  In every class, we witnessed and experienced the Lord dealing with the brothers and sisters attending the School of Christ. 

A flood caused damages to the church building of Pastor Shimizu just a couple of weeks before our arrival for the last series of lessons and graduation.  But, amid such difficulties, God moved.  The lessons of the School of Christ brought encouragement to the  brothers and sisters attending the classes. The enemy fought and there have been many struggles, but God prevailed.

Many believers have been seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the churches.  The Pastors and workers are seeking direction from God with a renewed commitment to continue in the work of the Lord.

We also ministered at the School of Christ in Pastor Abraão Hissa’s church, located outside of the city of Nagoya, Japan. It is incredible to see how much these men and women have grown Spiritually since starting the School of Christ classes.

Many of the students have testified, along with Pastor Abraao,  that the SOC lessons have transformed their walk with the Lord individually and as a church collectively. 

We thank God and give Him all the glory for what He is doing and for allowing us to play a part in the building of His Kingdom in the country of Japan.

Brian Larsen – SOC Vice-President

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