“I Wish YOU Could Have Been There”
There is a Southern Gospel Music song by the Perry’s entitled “I Wish I (YOU) Could Have Been There.”
That is a perfect description for our SOC convention this year in Patterson, Louisiana. My personal opinion is Christ was present, He was praised, glorified, and exalted. He was present for every moment, every song, every message and every altar service. One man who has (had) a tumor on his back was baptized in the Holy Ghost. We are trusting that God, for His glory, also healed him. In the same service a young person was also filled with the Holy Spirit. I said we had more than convention, we had REVIVAL. In the truest meaning of the word we enjoyed old fashioned PENTECOST. I wish YOU had been there.
Pastor Marty Harden and the congregation of Bethel Pentecostal Ministries were outstanding hosts for everything relative to the “School of Christ.” This was our first ever convention outside of Beaumont, Texas. We were, undoubtedly, in the perfect Will of God. His presence and mighty workings was a testimony that He was pleased with this coming together in His Name.I wish YOU could have been there for the congregational singing led by Brother Harden’s song leaders and the tremendous ministry in song by his choir. It was not just beautiful music and singing it was Christ exalting ministry.
Brother Lee Shipp, Brother Charles Rose and Brother Marty Harden preached Christ high and lifted up. The ministry of the Word was anointed and without compromise. It seemed as though we were in “…heavenly places…”Ephesians 2:6 and the time for the entire week was so soon over it seemed but a moment in time. Now you have a better understanding of why I wish YOU had been there.

If Jesus tarries His coming, I hope YOU will “…be there…” for our next convention/revival. Every year as I have prepared for the next SOC meeting I have prayed, fasted, and in every manner asked and sought to know the perfect Will of God. For the first time ever, when I returned home I had a different experience. It is a crucial decision as to where you will have the meeting, and is extremely crucial who you will invite to speak at this event. I can’t begin to impress anyone with the gravity of these decisions. When I arrived home from this convention, having given no thought to these aforementioned decisions, I found myself with those thoughts and a wonderful sense of peace and calm. I, in a brief span of time and prayer, felt where the convention should be convened and who I should invite to preach. I called and asked Pastor Robin St.Clair if we could go to Pottsville Assembly of God in Pottsville, Arkansas for SOC Convention in 2020. I wasn’t imposing on him for he had asked me to give consideration to this possibility. He readily accepted this invitation. That same day, a short time later, I called and asked Brother Shipp and Brother Rose if they would return to minister in the 2020 Convention. They accepted this invitation. Host pastor, Robin St.Clair, will also be ministering in the Convention. I do not invite anyone because they are my friend or because I enjoy their ministry. I make these decisions because I believe it is the Will of God, not for any other reason.
Don’t miss out, make plans now to attend SOC Convention 2020 so YOU won’t look back with the feeling “I Wish I Could Have Been There.”
A Mission Message by Robert Turnage