Nicaragua Report by Dr. Marion Dodson

We just finished the School of Christ in Coco River Waspan, Nicaragua, with twenty four graduates. We faced a very difficult situation because of the social policy. In this region there are two groups that have taken over all commercial land and air travel. Therefore, all transportation in the area is stopped. However, in the midst of this environment we saw the mighty hand of God.  The students graduated in an atmosphere of power with many souls being restored and saved. We can truly say that we diligently fulfilled the mandate to  remember the poor by bringing them the gospel of Pentecost.

The pastors of the Evangelical Renewed denomination asked that I send words of gratitude to the Directors of the School of Christ because their lives have been  renewed in a way that only the Holy Spirit of God could do.  Pastor Sergio Tercero said it is amazing what has  happened in his life through the School. He has had a real encounter with the Christ, and he feels a burden to carry the message of Pentecost to more communities. Sergio believes that the message of the School of Christ is the answer for the indigenous groups in the area. He said the poverty in these areas is extreme, but has faith that the School of Christ will renew the minds of believers in these poor areas.

Pastors who graduated from the School are now teaching the School of Christ to their    congregations. Principle Bishop of the Evangelical Renewed,  Kenneth Bushed, gave me permission to translate the School of Christ into the Miskito language which is the  language that dominates the Atlantic region.

We give glory and honor and thanks for all the achievements that only our God can do with His power. Pray as we go forward with the work He has called us to do.

Graduating School of Christ class in Coco River Waspan, Nicaragua. Students graduated in an atmosphere of power.
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