I was in Lima, Peru for the second part of the School of Christ, being organized by Pastor Valdecir, his wife, Cristina Quevedo, and their family. It was once again exciting to see the brothers and sisters that anxiously participated in these classes. Many of them had to travel two hours by bus to come and then two hours to go home. The church building was filled. What a wonderful opportunity to invest in the leadership of this mission work. We believe that these brothers and sisters will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so that they will be a faithful witness for Him in the neighborhoods and cities where they minister. One of the students (Bro. Carlos) is the overseer for the work in Hiroshima. I went a few days early to Lima and was able to minister in one of their services. The ministry in that city is a large work with the children, which opens the doors to reach the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. The building they were renting prior to where they are now was broken into and most everything taken. After renting this new place, which was only a piece of land, they built a very humble, but neat church building. Pastor Carlos and his family lived in another part of town but, unbeknown to Pastor Valdecir, Bro. Carlos had built a lean-to on the back of the church building for his family to live. He felt they could better protect the things of the Lord and be available to minister to the people. When Pastor Valdecir asked the brother’s wife how the family was doing, she responded with a smile, “We are fine, this is the work of the Lord.” We were blessed to be able to give so that the prefabricated walls and the materials for an aluminum roof could be bought. I am anxious to return and see all that God is doing in Hiroshima. Pray with us for this brother, his family and this town. I am humbled that God would open this door. Lima is a huge city and has many mission works, but I believe God has allowed us to work with choice servants. I know heaven will speak of the fruits of this labor.

Graduating students at the Lima, Peru School of Christ.