Pottsville Assembly of God believes in the Great Commission. We are committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person, every town, every city, and every nation of the world. One of my favorite Sundays of the year is Missions Emphasis Sunday. This year on January 13, 2019, was extra special, because we had my pastor, Robert Turnage ministering in both the Sunday Morning and Sunday Night services.
What a powerful move of the Holy Ghost we had in both services. Pastor Robert Turnage, President of the School of Christ International, brought a sobering Word from God. He stirred our hearts with his message on missions. His emphasis was, “Going into all the World, starts with going across the street to your neighbor. We must have a burden to see our families, our neighbors, and our communities saved.” These messages greatly burdened us to see our loved ones come to know the Lord.

We were honored to have Brother and Sister Turnage with us to graduate those who had completed the School of Christ curriculum, taught every Tuesday night, here at Pottsville Assembly. What an incredible accomplishment for each of these students. The School of Christ lessons has most assuredly changed their lives forever, as it has in the lives of countless others around the world. What an incredible day we had at PAG.
Pastor Robin StClair
Pottsville Assembly of God