SOC Students Fasting and Praying for Revival in Bolivia

SOC Students Fasting and Praying for Revival in Bolivia
The School of Christ (SOC) in Bolivia continues to grow in the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The graduation of the La Paz SOC, under the direction of Pastor Aruro Casas, one of the SOC field workers in Bolivia, had fourteen graduates. 
Pastor Miguel Vargas, field worker and 2001 graduate of the SOC, is running a school in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Thanks to the Lord we are seeing the work of the School of Christ move forward. Pastor Varguas and the SOC students are praying, crying, and interceding for the work in Bolivia. 

We are now preparing to expand the SOC into the indigenous part of the country, which is in the highlands. We have already run two schools in this very remote area of Bolivia, and as God leads we plan to run more Schools there in 2019.  

A group of young adults, all college students and SOC graduates, are truly seeking God for an upper room move of the Holy Spirit. They are fasting and praying to see a revival sent by God, and the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow across Bolivia. 

We want to say, “Thank You,” to everyone that is committed to helping us carry the message of Pentecost to the Bolivian people. As we continue to work, pray for the harvest of souls that the Lord is allowing us to gather in this end-time, before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers for the work and workers that are laboring in this country. 

Delvis Mercado –  South America SOC Fieldworker 

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