We rejoiced as we conducted our first School of Christ on the island of St. Lucia. This was a great breakthrough because we have been praying for the past three years for doors to open. But God’s timing is perfect. St. Lucia is ripe and open to the Gospel of Truth. A restoring of Pentecost took place in the lives of the first-fruit graduates. During the teachings you could hear groans coming from the students as the Word of God was chastening them, and there was brokenness as the Holy Spirit stripped them of all their presupposition. We had three days of fasting on water only; some said they had never fasted for such a long time on water only, and others said this was their first time to fast.
A pastor said that he never regretted, not for a second, that he came to this School. He said he was paying a lot of money for Bible School, but in the School of Christ he was receiving the Truth, which was much deeper than the seminary. The testimonies remain the same all over the Caribbean and in St. Lucia, of brokenness, repentance, and being built up in Christ. Here are just a few testimonies of their experience in the own words.
“The impact of SOC upon me as a pastor has influenced me to begin envisioning, in the Spirit realm, the change taking place in my immediate community in an effort to make Christ-like disciples, filled with His Holy Spirit, who will reproduce an ongoing revolution by this new revelation from God’s Word.”
“Before coming to the School I was spiritually dead, living in sin, and thought I was still in the Will of God; only to realize that I was fooling myself, and my prayer life was gone. I only prayed in church when called to do so, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. I can say my Christian and spiritual life was in a mess. The classes really opened my eyes in various topics such as: tithing, who Jesus Christ is as a person, and different aspects of the Holy Spirit. I can truly say that I was rejuvenated and set free.”
“Now it is nearly the end but my new life with God has just began; truly a great turn around and life-changing for me. Thank God for his servant Pastor B.H. Clendennen.”
“The School has changed my life, my attitude towards God, my prayer life, my way of fasting and my tithing. My eyes have been opened spiritually.”
We thank God for opening the door for us, to plant a new the School of Christ on this island in the Caribbean. The natives are hungry for the truth. They are already asking what is the date of the next School. We ask for your continual pray. God bless the administrators of School of Christ, who have enabled us financially, to go and plant SOC in the region of the Caribbean. We thank God for Pastor Clendennen’s life experiences because his testimony has become a strength and pillar to the body of Christ. Thank you.

School of Christ graduates on the island of St. Lucia.