In 1997, Pastor Denis and his friend Roman attended the School of Christ in Kemerovo, Siberia, Russia. God touched and changed their lives. For the last twenty years they pastored a church in Omsk, Russia. God began to stir Pastor Denis’ heart to seek for revival and renewal throughout the nation of Russia. Pastor Denis secured the approval of the Pentecostal Union (the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith) to run Schools all across Russia. In 2018, he sponsored three different SOC Schools. As people began to witness the move of God, many churches wanted to be a part of what God is doing in Russia.

In March, Andrey Sekhin and Pastor Denis went to Omsk, Russia, to run a School for thirty leaders from several churches. Many of the students began each day with three hours of prayer. The SOC requires one hour of prayer each morning but, some of the men gathered every morning at 5am to pray for three hours. They are so hungry and thirsty to have God pour out His Spirit in Russia. Many were baptized in the Holy Spirit and healed. During the School we were asked to minister in three different churches in Omsk. Andrey went across the border to minister in a church in Kazakhstan.
The Church in both Ukraine and Russia are praying and fasting. For many years Pastor Clendennen sponsored prayer and fasting conferences. The schedule for those conferences was that someone would preach at various times of the day, and the rest of the time was prayer. This was a time of true fasting and praying.
This group of networking churches are now going to have three fasting and prayer conferences a year— spring, fall, and winter. They are committed to eight hours a day in prayer. If God gives a word to someone they are allowed to speak for ten minutes, and then it is back to prayer. There will be an evening service on the three nights, but the emphasis is truly fasting and prayer. God is teaching His Church to pray and fast. I believe He is preparing His Church for what is coming.

The Russian churches also have a powerful ministry to people addicted to drugs and alcohol. They are seeing God wonderfully saving and setting people free from the chains of sin. The SOC material is part of the training of these new converts so that they will be able to fully walk with God.
Please give to support what God is doing in the former Soviet Union. Please give to help the Russian church be able to stand in this time of trouble and to see God enlarge their ministries. The door to Russian ministry is open on a limited basis. Please pray about going, and if you cannot go then ask the Lord to help you send someone to Russia in your place! This is a great time, and we don’t know how long we will have this opportunity. Let’s move now while the Spirit is moving.
By Joel Pledge