After ministering at Mahachai, a distant suburb of Bangkok, the team traveled to Nobo, Thailand to preach, teach, and visit a missionary friend, as well as some School of Christ graduates.
Former SOC students are being taught English by Missionary Ginger so that they can enter an approved Teacher Training College in New Zealand. The teaching degree they will earn will allow them to return to Myanmar (Burma) with an opportunity to preach the Gospel in that nation.
While we were there the team of missionaries taught day and night, not only English but the gospel to everyone that attended. Bro. Somchai’s vision is that everyone who is involved in his schools must attend the School of Christ; teachers, parents, and students. As a result of this training his schools have obtained the highest ratings above all the schools located in the refugee camps. What is unique to this outreach, although in its infancy, is that this Teacher Training College is fully accredited and will allow graduates to be certified teachers or attend advanced training in other institutions located in other countries. So not only will these SOC graduates take the Gospel with them, but also a viable skill that can both open doors and supply much needed funding as well.
Currently, Pastor Somchai is working to get full government approval to open his mission schools in every city of Myanmar. Through these schools the truth of Jesus Christ through the SOC will be presented. Praise the Lord!!!