Joel Pledge – SOC Director
Andrey Sekhin – Field-Worker
Andrey Sekhin and myself just finished our second School of Christ in the Erdenet region of Mongolia. Because of time limitations, we had a two-week School. We met every day for two hours of prayer and six hours of teaching.
Most of these students were from smaller cities in Mongolia. When they arrived they talked about the struggles they faced trying to make an impact for Christ among their people. However, they all left the School renewed, restored, and committed to the work of the Lord.
There was a powerful move of God from the very start. When we started the lessons on the “Almighty Blood” series, one young man testified that he began to see the authority and power of the blood of Christ and the victory of the Cross for the first time. Another man told how God came down and convicted him of his sin and with deep repentance he asked God to cleanse him.
Several of the Mongolian church leaders said they knew that God was shaking the churches and leaders of Mongolia. Some churches were literally shutting down because of years of neglect, immorality, and false doctrine. There are, however, churches which are based on Truth that are witnessing and planting new churches. The church in Erdenet is such a church. The pastor related how when he assumed the leadership of the church 10 years ago, the church was almost leaderless. About one-third of the leaders had left in order to start other works. Another one-third backslid and left the church or fell into sin. The last one-third that was left was young and inexperienced—they were struggling to keep the church alive. Many people were still coming to Christ, but the church itself was too weak to disciple them. Last year, our first School of Christ ministered to their core group and stabilized the church. Soon the evangelistic harvest was being discipled and new leadership was being formed.
Right now we are seeing God raise up leadership for evangelism and church planting. They NOW have 35 people ready to go through the School of Christ, and then immediately go out into a neighboring town and start a new church. What a miracle of God! Just a short time ago they were struggling to stay alive, but because of the School of Christ the church is growing, disciples are being trained, and leadership is being established.
The Mongolian leaders are receiving numerous calls from people wanting to attend the next School of Christ. They are preparing groups all over the country to go through the School; 30 people in the northwest, and another 30 in the southwest. There are people in the south and east waiting for us to come to their area.
God, and I emphasize God, is shaking the churches of Mongolia. They are searching for Truth that will provide a strong foundation for growth. They believe the School of Christ is the answer. We agree! The School provides the Truth needed to overcome sin and false teaching. The answer to the problems of the church is a call to repentance.
If God will supply, we could have a School of Christ in July and another one in the fall. We are ready to move forward in faith to strengthen the existing churches, and make it possible for them to plant new churches across the nation. Will you answer the call of God? All we need to fulfill the Will of God is for God’s people to give. This is the time for Mongolia.
Joel Pledge – SOC Director