Powerful SOC in North Sudan

(Pictures and names are withheld for security reasons.)

It can be very difficult, at times, to write reports about the work of the School of Christ in East Africa; not because the work is not moving ahead or because we are not seeing victories, but because North Sudan is predominantly Islamic. The residents are ruled by Sharia Law, where converting from Islam to another religion is considered apostasy and punishable by death. In Northern Sudan the Sudanese do not have religious freedom, and the government treats Islam as the state religion. Terrorism and militants are a constant threat, forcing millions to flee genocide and massacre to live in sprawling refugee camps. But, God still has people who will hear His voice and go to reach the lost—no matter the cost.

This is a testimony of one such missionary:
During a recent prayer meeting, a young man came to Pastor G, a field-worker with the School of Christ in Ethiopia, and said that God had called him to lay down his life in North Sudan. Brother T (not his name for security reasons) is a very strong and dedicated disciple of Christ. Pastor G and the Fellowship began to fast and pray for preparation, anointing, and protection as he plants churches and runs the School of Christ in one of the hardest areas of the world. In the early part of 2016, Brother T received money from the home office of the School of Christ in Beaumont, TX, to live on; he then left for North Sudan to begin ministry.

We were expecting to hear from Brother T about running a School of Christ in April, but heard nothing. May came and went, still no word, still continuing to pray. Pastor G was contacted in Ethiopia in June, he had not received any word or had any contact from Brother T. In July the SOC director received an email that simply said, “God‘s blessings upon You. We have had a powerful School of Christ.” Then he listed the names of twenty-four brothers in Christ who graduated from the School of Christ. Hallelujah!! We are seeing God do the impossible. We are watching as “those who sit in darkness see a great light.”

We deal with many attacks of the devil. Our workers in Sudan have labored under death threats. In Ethiopia, they have been threatened with prison, and some of our workers have been imprisoned for preaching Christ on the streets. In Somalia, our students are forced to relinquish any rights to their wives and children when they accepted Christ and left Islam. Some of the greatest testimonies come from those that look at you crying, expressing their gratitude for bringing the SOC lessons that have changed their lives. This is why we labor! This is what you support when you give to the SOC International. Please pray, please give.

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