We have just completed the third School of Christ in Mongolia. The School was held in the central city of Huvsgol province, located in the northern most region of this nation. This “city” of 45,000 people is called Murun, and is considered to be a booming metropolis in this sparsely populated country. We were met by the local Christian leader, Pastor Beh-hey, who is a missionary/church planter and has planted twelve churches throughout three provinces in the lesser reached areas of Mongolia. He heard of the School through one of his church members who had attended last year. The pastor noticed a remarkable change in this man after he had returned home; he was full of joy and love, and became a witness for Christ. Pastor Beh-hey invited us to come hold the School in his church and we had thirty students. They sat riveted as we taught these hungry students the lessons of the School of Christ. None of the students had ever heard teaching with such depth before. What a blessing it was as we ministered over the next two weeks and saw the students grow in their dedication to the Lord.

One leader shared how Mongolia needs teaching like the School of Christ because many of the churches have lost their first love and the life of God is no longer present. Pastor Beh-hey testified that he had been to five Bible schools but had never seen the spirit of God work so strongly in the hearts of students. Pastors were amazed at the change in the lives of the students, and their commitment to seek the Lord in prayer. He explained to us that the previous evening, all of the pastors in their local area had met for a meeting. There are now approximately one hundred leaders who wish to attend the next school. Brother Clendennen always taught that revival never came through big propagators of religion, but through the prayers of a people with a broken and contrite spirit that tremble at His Word. We are seeing Brother Clendennen’s words come to pass before our eyes.

The translation of the School of Christ book into Mongolian language is moving forward. We hope to see it finished soon so that future students can leave the School with a copy of the teachings in their own language.