God continues to impact the country of Mongolia through the School of Christ. In July we held a School to train young adults who are called into the ministry. They ranged in age from 16 to 28, and half of them were committed already to full-time ministry in the churches as pastors, missionaries, small group leaders, or worship leaders. God touched every lesson with His presence and power. We had great times of prayer and worship before the throne of God. There is no doubt that the church in Mongolia is being prepared for a great revival and a powerful missionary outreach.
So often we fall into the trap of limiting what God is able to do. Our faith is so weak that we begin to believe that God’s work depends only on what we can do in our own strength.
During my ministry in Mongolia, I spoke with numerous pastors and missionaries who are impacting closed-door countries right now. One missionary was ministering in China and fits in with the culture, and has learned some of the language, and is able to assist the local church in planting new churches and training disciples.
Another minister was called to Kyrgyzstan, a predominately Muslim country, but welcomes workers from Mongolia. He is a school teacher and he is able to connect with the church in Kyrgyzstan.
One of the young men has made a commitment to North Korea. He has already spent a semester in the university there and is planning on going back. He is able to witness and share Christ. He has access because the door to North Korea is open for Mongolians!
The church which sponsored the SOC training for young adults in Mongolia, reported that two of their church families are living in Northern Afghanistan and ministering in an underground church. Nothing is too hard for God!
Too many times we have questioned how God is going to reach this generation. He showed me on this trip the means: The Holy Spirit calls! The Holy Spirit teaches! The Holy Spirit equips! The Holy Spirit sends! We must do our part. We cannot go into North Korea or Afghanistan to minister for Christ, but this does not mean that God is not calling men and women from different parts of the world to go who can get into these closed countries.
We have a unique opportunity to help these missionaries to be effective. The School of Christ is the most effective missionary training tool ever developed. We must be faithful to give so that this School can be taught to those who are called.
Joel Pledge – SOC Director
SOC Leadership Training Team.
Group of Mongolian young adults that are called into the ministry.