After the success of our last School of Christ in April of this year, we returned to the city of Murun located in Mongolia’s northern most province to hold our second School. Just a stone’s throw away from Siberia, we ran the School of Christ for 45 students who had come from all over Mongolia.

A former student had recorded the teachings of the 2012 SOC on his cell phone. The recording was not good, but for the past year a small church has gathered daily to hear the teachings. All of the church leaders attended the daily Schoo,l and now the church has began to grow.
One student testified that they came from a church in the capital city of Mongolia, that was started by a SOC graduate. The church is doing very well and is growing by leaps and bounds. We praise God for the fruit we are seeing.
One evangelist shared how a number of years ago she had fasted every other day for four years. Because of this, she saw many signs and wonders come through her ministry. However, she became filled with much pride because of these miracles. She testified how the Lord had stripped her of ministry and she did not understand why. During the lessons of the School Of Christ, she saw how she had allowed pride to rise up and that she had begun to minister in the flesh. From the very first lesson the Lord began to break her and to open her eyes to see the difference between the flesh and the Spirit. She wept bitterly and repented before the Lord. She shared at the close of the School how she knew God was restoring her and how He had given her a vision to once again work in the country villages. She now sees that humility is conformity to Christ.
We haven’t the room to share all of the testimonies from the students. Many of them fasted for the entire length of the school. Two students have already gone to plant a church in a remote area; another has gone to be a missionary in China. Two others are leaving for the mission field in mid-October. Pastors have had their visions renewed, evangelists who minister on the streets were encouraged, and many more were incredibly blessed. Our translators were also extremely blessed as one was so depressed with life due to a failed marriage engagement that she was suicidal just a few days before being asked to translate for the SOC. She now is excited about the Lord and has felt the call of God to go into full-time ministry in a closed country to the east. The other translator was disappointed with the false doctrines of a “health and wealth” church she had been attending and had ended up in an extremely dead church. She is now so full of life, and wishes to aid in the work of translating the SOC book into Mongolian language.

The pastor who allowed us to use his church as a venue told us, “In Mongolia there is no other teaching like this. The School of Christ is a school of life!”
A professional media journalist came down from Russia and recorded this School. MP3 players have now been sent throughout the country. We are already getting calls from pastors and leaders who wish to have a minister’s conference early next year. A DVD of the School should be ready by that time and will be made available at that conference.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are overwhelmed with the results of the ministry that is unfolding right before our eyes. The Lord is moving in Mongolia!