Message From Larry Clendennen and Brenda Turnage
With heavy heart, Brenda and I announce that our mother, Janice Clendennen, on September 18, 2021, quietly passed from this world to that place of peace and rest to await the eternal call to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Many things can and could be said about her 93 years on this earth. However, the most important thing that comes to mind is that today both Brenda and I live with the blessed hope that we too shall one day see our Lord face to face.
No matter what one achieves or accumulates, the testimony remains, and today we are a living testimony that her life pointed us to Christ because through her, we came to know and accept the Gospel. Certainly, as a loving mother, she had a godly influence on her children and grandchildren.
As a loving wife, she supported and was an important part of the worldwide ministry of our father, B. H. Clendennen. Most importantly, as a person, her first love was Jesus Christ, which was demonstrated in a lifetime of prayerful service that positively impacted multitudes around the world.
While a sense of loss fills our hearts, there is not a single moment that we would ever wish her return to this sin-cursed world. She has run her race, and she has finished her course, now she enjoys the happiness and peace of her Lord. Like Mary, she chose wisely, she chose the things that mattered, yet she found her place of service like Martha. In her life, we saw both faith and works, all in all, a very rewarded life.
This is not the end, only the beginning and we, by the Grace of God, will be reunited to forever be with the Lord. We do not say goodbye, and we anticipate that glorious reunion along with the other redeemed of God who are a part of the family of God today because of the life she lived. What a peace to be able to say, “It is well with my soul.”
Larry Clendennen & Brenda Turnage

Janice Clendennen
July 7, 1928 - September 18, 2021