Myanmar Update

We are currently in our second wave of the Covid-19 here in the Rakhine State, Myanmar. The work is challenging because there are few Christians in this Buddhist region of Myanmar.

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SOC Workers On The Front Line In Myanmar War

The war in Myanmar has accelerated, and the situation there is desperate. The army is bombing indiscriminately, and now whole villages have been destroyed. Over 3000 thousand Karen people tried to flee into Thailand but were stopped by the Thai military and sent back.

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Kids Under Gunfire

Briefly, we are interjecting these life and death needs at the last moment before printing this “Missions Report.” We felt we had to adjust our articles and scheduled printing to add these requests

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Myanmar Crisis Request

David Jacobson - SOC Director

The following report contains two emails that I received this past week from Pastors in Myanmar concerning the current crisis facing that nation. Also, there is a local and worldwide outreach taking place

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Thailand Training Continues Through Solar Audio Units

Pastor Somchai (Left) distributing Megavoice solar audio units.

David Jacobson School of Christ International Director, David Jacobson, has been in constant contact by email with Brother Somchai our Thailand director during this time of pandemic. Brother Somchai reports that the country of Thailand has been under a curfew and lockdown since March 2020. Pastor Somchai (Left) distributingMegavoice solar audio units. Still, even though…

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First SOC Among the Rohingya People in Myanmar

 School of Christ students in Rakhine State, Myanmar. In April, 2018, I traveled to Rakhine State, in Myanmar, where the Rohingya people, one of the world’s most persecuted minorities, live. A civil war has been going on for decades in this hate-filled corner of the world. News agencies are calling it the worst humanitarian crisis…

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Evangelism by Myanmar SOC Graduates by Andrey Sekhin

In March, 2016, we held a School of Christ in Myanmar. One of the students was Pastor Samuel. During the School, he asked if I would come and minister to his village because there were only three Christian families in the entire village, and the rest were Buddhist. I agreed to go. When we arrived,…

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Myanmar Report by Andrea Sekhin

We had a great School of Christ in Magway which is in Central Myanmar. The students were made up of pastors, leaders, and young people. This was our second SOC in this area. Our first School was one year ago, and we have seen a great harvest for Christ. Christianity is very weak in this…

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Myanmar Report by Andrey Sekhin

Statistically speaking, there is about 0.1% of Christians in this region of Myanmar. Pastor Vadim from Russia, who was in the School of Christ in 2003 in Ukraine, has a church which supports orphanages in Magwe, Myanmar, with 19 children. Pastor Vadim asked me for help so that they could have a School of Christ…

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