SOC Graduates Committed to
Prayer and Ministry

Delvis Mercado - SOC Fieldworker
In 2 Corinthians 11:2-4, the Apostle Paul told the Corinthian church that they must be totally committed to Christ so they would not be deceived by false doctrine. I believe the purpose of preaching the Gospel to every man is to present a Church full of God at the end of time.
By continuing to work and train through the School of Christ here in Bolivia, I believe that this is God’s way of allowing us to be the instrument that equips and prepares the Bride for the encounter with the King of kings.
The Lord opened the doors for us to work in this country in 2009. We have been working constantly and growing the work of God here in Bolivia. We praise the Lord for an effective tool like the School of Christ to work with.
Ninety-five percent of the pastors, when confronted with the word “The Right Priority,” begin to restore their prayer life and dedicate themselves fully to full-time ministry. Once their life is set in proper order, they begin to witness the fruits of their ministry as God sends the increase.
We are expanding the work of SOC into the area called the highlands. We are training pastors and leaders in these communities where the predominant language is the Aymara dialect. Pastor Arturo Casas is doing an excellent job graduating students in Santa Cruz and the Markiribi area of the Altiplano. I ask for your prayers so God’s work can continue in this beautiful country of Bolivia.

Graduating SOC class in Bolivia