Mexico Report
Apostle Paul encouraged the Church of his time and warned us of things that would happen in our time.
2 Timothy 3:1 says, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” The conditions of the world we are living in now tell us we must be more diligent in our work for the Kingdom of God because time is short.
Everything is lining up so fast for the new world order, and no time will be left to work. In August, Richard Goebel, the School of Christ Director, and I traveled to Mexico to check on the SOC work and hold graduation services. We first arrived in Mexico City for a day conference and had a graduation service for the SOC graduates that night. We were greeted by our Fieldworker, Pastor José Ángel Benítez, in Mexico City, who eagerly told us that the work had now spread into the states of Guerrero and Jalisco.
The students received us with great joy and enthusiasm, and a group of pastors traveled six hours from Guerrero to be with us at this time of services. The Word of the Lord was so powerful during the day conference service that everyone came to the altar with brokenness to wait on God.
That night at the graduation service, our hearts were encouraged as we listened to the testimonies of the graduates of how their lives were changed and renewed.
We left Mexico City for Puerto Vallarta, where students from Nayarit and Vallarta came together for the day conference and graduation service. When we arrived, we were greeted by Pastor Guillermo Benítez and fifteen students ready to graduate.
The students were eager to receive from the Word of God and see Brother Goebel and myself again. God spoke to us powerfully as Brother Goebel ministered, showing us in the scriptures what God is doing and is about to do. We could feel and see the effort and sacrifice that our Brother in Puerto Vallarta made to make this meeting possible.
As Brother Gobel ministered, he encouraged the Saints to continue steadfast in the faith and be true disciples of Christ. We also met with Brother Jerónimo, a graduate of SOC who is taking the Gospel to his people in Sierras. This is an indigenous population that needs the Gospel. The School has been gaining strength since the pandemic in Mexico. We live in challenging times but trust that God is in control.
The SOC is a great blessing in Colima, especially in the maximum-security prisons. Many prisoners are being saved and revived through hearing the powerful lessons of the SOC. In 2024 we will go to Colima to graduate students from the SOC Schools in this region of Mexico and the maximum-security prisons.
I thank God for the life of Pastor José Benítez Galeana and Pastor Miguel Aguilera. Both men of God are doing a job worthy of honoring with our prayers and offerings. Mexico is advancing with the School of Christ despite all its difficulties with so much apostasy; the challenge is great. There are many things to do, and I trust that the LORD will help, direct, guide, and open the doors where we should go.
Thank you for all the prayers and contributions to the School of Christ so that we can continue to carry the message of Pentecost to Mexico and other countries worldwide.

SOC Mexico Graduates