Mongolian SOC School

Our goal in Mongolia is to reach out to every region of the country with the School of Christ International.

Sometimes, students travel thousands of miles to be with us, but we desire to organize a local School for them. As we prayed about this in the Spring of 2023, a former student contacted us and asked us to come to the country’s eastern region where they ministered. She was beginning in the ministry when she attended the SOC in Muron, located in the western part of Mongolia. She was greatly blessed by her participation in the School and wanted to continue actively in the ministry.

Now, eleven years later, she is asking the SOC to come to train in her area. Andrey Sekhin, SOC Fieldworker, and I prayed about what to do as we have several invitations open to us in Mongolia. God led us to commit to Choibasan for a School. We hoped to have at least 25-30 participants in the Choibasan School, but over 50 showed up to attend. The local churches only have about 20 people each, and we were overjoyed by their response. This is indicative of satan’s stronghold in the city. Human trafficking is very strong, and we soon realized that God had sent us here to break the devil’s hold on this area.

Ultimately, 14 churches were represented, and over 60 students attended the SOC. Every day, there were testimonies of healing, deliverance, and renewal. Pastors often testified of their struggles and complacency. They testified that God renewed their lives, ministry, and marriages through the teaching of the School of Christ.

The most incredible testimonies were of those who had lost hope in the Lord. The church in this region is only 20 years old and has a very small congregation. One woman had experienced the death of her son because of alcohol and drugs; we wept with her as we listened to the story of her despair. Then, we rejoiced with her as she reached that place where her faith was renewed and restored.

There were too many healings to report on all of them. One woman had severe pain from an untreatable illness. On the third day, we prayed for her, and she went home. I thought nothing happened, even though there was a tremendous anointing during the prayer time. But she returned the next day saying that she had woken up free from pain. Praise the Lord!

This School of Christ came at just the right time. Our former student and her family have been ministering to young people in the community for the last two years. They believe it is time for them to plant a church! So, out of this School will come a new church to give new life to this community that desperately needs a spiritually alive church! Thank you for your giving to the School of Christ. This community has changed forever because you gave to the School of Christ.

When we return, we plan on going to the far South of Mongolia, to the Gobi Desert. There are small churches scattered around the region, and we plan on bringing life and liberty to everyone who studies with us. Give and help us reach Mongolia with the Gospel!