Armenia School of Christ

Joel Pledge - SOC Director
In the 1990s and early 2000s, the School of Christ was active among the Armenian people. Many of their pastors traveled to Moscow to study under Founder B. H. Clendennen. As the School began to grow, we started having Schools in Armenia. Today, we are reaching the second generation of pastors, ministers, and evangelists who the SOC is training. Many sons and daughters are coming to experience what their fathers experienced so many years ago.
We have just finished our third School of Christ in Armenia in three years. Each School has been different, but each one has had one similarity: God moved upon the hearts of each person as He drew them to Himself.
At every School, we see breakthroughs in prayer. We have deep repentance of sin every time. In every class, we have people called to a greater level of service to the Lord.
There are testimonies of healing in every School. One woman attending this School testified that she had been afraid that she would not be able to keep up the pace of the School since she was struggling with high blood pressure. Even her medicine was unable to control it. But all during School, her blood pressure was good, and she could stop taking her medicine! Praise the Lord!
We prayed with another couple who wanted God to open doors of ministry for them. They wanted to be vessels that the Lord could use!
Others testified to the power of the School’s teaching. Brother Clendennen’s insights into the Word were life-changing, and his testimonies of healing inspired their faith. We spent hours praying together and for one another. We worshipped after our prayer times, often for another hour, just because the presence of the Lord was so overwhelming.
Myself and our Russian teacher, Denis Malyutin, also preached at many local churches, where God brought His blessing and power to bear upon the local church. With so much interest in being trained by the School of Christ, the leaders asked us to consider two Schools each year.
Pray with us for a continued open door in the nation of Armenia. They are facing an uncertain future due to regional tensions with neighboring countries. But the spiritual opportunity is great. “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit raises up a standard against him.” Believe with us that the Lord will do that for Armenia. Pray about giving to this effort as well. You can be a part of one of the great revivals in that nation if we have the funds to do the Schools necessary for a breakthrough. We are anticipating a great move of God in the coming days.