Online SOC Testimony

My name is Frank NSABIMANA. I am 29 years old and from the Republic of Rwanda. I was raised in a Pentecostal Church and fully committed my life to Jesus at the age of 18.

I began seeking spiritual guidance because I knew God had called me into the Ministry of Evangelism. I was placed over the Gospel Ministry of Evangelism Class at my church, and I continually prayed for God to help me to know what to do. Seeking God’s guidance, and by His grace, I found the School of Christ International Online School.

When I enrolled in the SOC Online School, I was very weak spiritually and lived a life of spiritual defeat. From the first Series, I felt like my journey with Christ was starting a new one! The Lord Jesus touched my life and my wife, Esperance! We went from being victims to being conquerors! We repented at almost every single lesson, and God was doing wonders in our lives!

My brothers and sisters who served with us within the Ministry of Evangelism also needed to be taught what I learned through the SOC School. I prayed and asked them to join me in that new journey. We decided to put off all the theories we had learned before, both scientific and religious, to be ready to receive the message of Jesus Christ. Our hunger was, and still is, to experience the spiritual life of the First Century Church and to see the Pentecostal message working in our lives and our community. We started from Series #1 and decided to meet one weekend a month.

We gathered at my home for two days of prayer and watched one Series per Month. We did this for almost two years. It was tough, but God did wonders! We have experienced life-changing power, repented of our old sins, and recommitted our lives to Jesus Christ! We gave our lives to prayer and holiness, and by the mercy of the Lord, our Ministry went from just a student group of Evangelism to being a real Gospel Ministry. We fearlessly present the Gospel of Jesus to the lost souls and backslidden people. Many receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, while others are being revived! God is doing wonders and will continue to do wonders!

We are praying that God will bring true revival to His Church in Rwanda because the Church in our country has mixed herself with the world. My wife and I, with our team members in the Ministry, are experiencing a spiritual transformation by the Holy Spirit! We are preparing to be vessels of recovery, ready to be used by the Lord. We praise the Lord Jesus for the revelation received through the SOC and for what He is doing in our own lives and the lives of those around us. However, we need prayers for the Church in Rwanda to experience true revival. The path is still long with many obstacles, but we believe in the overcoming power of Jesus Christ!

May God bless the SOC! The School of Christ’s message blesses us. I have been changed and transformed by it!