Reconnecting and Planting New SOC In India

In February, I had the privilege of journeying to India with a few other men to minister, teach, and explore the establishment of a new School of Christ across those lands. Our hearts were filled with awe as we witnessed numerous miracles, salvations, and Pastors being uplifted through the teachings of the SOC.

One of the most profound experiences was our opportunity to minister in a leper colony, where we saw the Glory of the Lord manifest in a powerful way, as lepers wept and turned to Christ.

This trip to India had come together months earlier in Tatum, Texas, at the School of Christ Summit 2023. We had been exploring and praying for some time about reestablishing the School of Christ in India. The SOC has been running in India for many years through the labors of the known and unknown, but there was a real stirring to reconnect and plant new schools in India. In Tatum, TX, the Lord had brought a man from India to the SOC Summit 2023 to bring this desire to pass.

During the meeting, I was introduced to this dear brother from India who was not only greatly moved by the teachings of the SOC but also exceedingly desirous of reestablishing the SOC in India. When I introduced myself to him at the Summit, he later said that the Lord said, “This is why you have come to this Summit: to help run the SOC in India.” We both knew that the Lord was at work.

While in India, we presented the SOC and prayed about how we could best move forward. Currently, India has around 1.6 billion people, and there is a real hunger for God. Many pastors expressed how much the SOC teachings are needed as they seek to reach and disciple the new converts.

The brother the Lord connected us with is sending his adult children to the SOC school in Ireland. It is truly remarkable to see how the Lord is bringing all things together to continue to reach India and that part of the world. God is at work. Through this trip, we were also able to connect with former SOC Directors. Out of that connection, we are currently running the SOC for tribal Pastors in the western part of India. This dear brother is also translating many of Bro. Clendennen’s books into different Indian languages.

We are blessed by how the Lord uses the SOC to reach, train, and disciple those in India. We covet your prayers as we follow the Lord’s leading in India. Thank you for your continued support!