Robert Turnage (12/15/43 – 07/27/22)

Robert Turnage (1943-2022)
Robert Turnage, Pastor Emeritus of Victory Temple and President of the School of Christ International, went Home to be with the Lord at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 27, 2022, surrounded by his Family.
Robert began his ministry in 1965 with a revival in Vivian, Louisiana, and traveled as a full-time evangelist for thirteen years. Along with his own pulpit ministry, Robert traveled with the Victory Crusaders across the country, preaching and singing in revivals and crusades with founder B. H. Clendennen.
After leaving the Evangelistic field, he became the Co-Pastor and Song Leader of Victory Temple. Robert was known as much for his singing voice as his preaching. His friend Rusty Goodman of the Happy Goodman family always said that Robert had one of the best singing voices he had ever heard. Robert became the Senior Pastor of Victory Temple in December 1991. He resigned from the Pastorate on December 10, 2017, after serving Victory Temple as Senior Pastor for 26 years, and became the full-time President of the School of Christ International, a ministry he was devoted to until his passing.
We want to say “Thank You” to everyone who has called, sent text messages, provided food, sent plants and made donations to the School of Christ in memory of Robert. But most of all, we thank everyone for praying for our Family over these past days. We miss him greatly but find comfort knowing that today he is with our Lord, worshipping around the Throne, well and whole in body. Please continue to keep us in prayer throughout the coming days. God bless you all.
Brenda, Shannon, and family.