Robert White “Thank You”

Robert K. White
10/24/1945 - 06/27/2022
The “School of Christ International” received word on June 27, 2022, that Robert White, an important and great friend to the founder and president of this mission’s ministry, had passed away.
For many years Brother White made almost every trip to distant lands with Pastor Clendennen. He was known and loved by multiple people around the world. In 1 Corinthians 12:28, Paul listed these gifts for the stability of the work of the ministry. “… (gifts of helps, governments, diversities) ….” Brother White fulfilled this place in the work of God for Pastor Clendennen and the countless students who were helped by the School of Christ work. He was appreciated and will be missed.
Thank you, Sister White, for sharing the love of your life with all of us. I ask everyone to pray for Sister Bonnie White, their friends, and extended family.

Robert White and B. H. Clendennen