School Of Christ International Online School Report

The vision and thoughts of an Online SOC School has been something we have been praying about for some time. We have researched various ways to make this possible. During the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, God provided the means for the Online SOC to become a reality. We were led to use the social media platform of Facebook which has proven to be an invaluable tool in making the SOC International available to many students during these past two years with the theme of Restoring the Message of Pentecost.

The urgency for the Online School began as we were faced with very limited to no travel and the continuing need for the Churches’ leadership to be trained. We began by doing online classes with our contacts in Japan and Argentina using the communication app Zoom. We not only witnessed, but also were able to be a part of wonderful classes and services through these means. For Japan, we would have classes at 6PM Japan time which was 6AM our time, and we did this on Sunday mornings for three months. Even though we were separated by thousands of miles, God made Himself so real in these times of teaching the SOC. In Argentina we held classes during the evening times with a Church from Buenos Aires, also producing the same results of lives being challenged and transformed through the power of the Holy Ghost in the lessons of the SOC.

After these experiences, we set up the Online School through the Facebook Page resource, and we have had a really good response from around the USA as well as around the world! The Online School provides the  students the availability to adjust their schedules for prayer time, study time and watching the video classes taught by Brother B. H. Clendennen as well as completing the test that finishes each series. Presently we have this method of study available in English and Spanish, each with their own Facebook Page.

We have included in this report, testimonies from students whose lives have been change and impacted through the School of Christ International Online School.

“I grew up in Spain within an evangelical family. About my 20th year I decided to leave the church and slowly, slowly, got lost in the confusion of this world. So, for 30 years I was like the prodigal son, and after the first lockdown last year I woke up, remembering what I knew about Bible prophecy and how it all was starting to point up to the Last Days alarmingly. I decided to come back to Jesus. These lessons have been a great help in recovering, somehow, all those lost years. Thank you very much again for this ministry! God bless you!”  Graduate from the English Online SOC from Dublin, Ireland

“God spoke to me six years ago when I was homeless living in an abandoned house on a hard floor. He woke me up and He said, “I didn’t create you for this”. A couple of weeks later He had me and my wife both in a homeless halfway house. And then one day I went to a little Church, and somebody asked me, he said, “do you know B.H. Clendennen?” And I said no I never heard of him. I am 45 years old and had never heard of B.H. Clendennen. He said, “Here go on YouTube and look and watch it.” So, I started watching Brother Clendennen and for three years he discipled me through YouTube. I watched every message I could get a hold to. I heard about the School of Christ and as I grew with God, I grew in the Truth. When I was born again, He put a lot of boldness in me. So, the Truth that Brother Clendennen spoke was true to me and I didn’t fall away from this Truth. Still today, it’s all about the Truth and the Spirit. So once the School of Christ came, I checked on it the year before COVID and tried to find out how I could get in. I asked if they had an online course and they said no. Then when the COVID hit I reached back out to them because I saw on social media that they were going to do an online course and God led me to do it. As I started doing the course the devil lied to me and said, “Since you’re not going to a campus, you won’t get everything out of the School of Christ that you need.” As I was doing studies, God was demonstrating through life, my personal experiences in life, with the Church, with people I ran in to, it all fell into place. I  learned so much from that! So, the devil’s a liar. The biggest thing I got out of the School of Christ, and I got so much as far as scripture, but the thing God really touched on was prayer. Prayer and fasting. I never thought I could be any servant for God, but He kept me for a reason after 44 years of running from Him. Really the School of Christ is something that I have to tell everybody I know about. If the Word goes out, and I believe the young generation right now is hungry for the Truth, I know in the School of Christ there is the Truth. It’s real, it’s not fake, it’s not flesh, and it’s not any of the false things that are happening in churches. I’m just so thankful for YouTube, Bro. Clendennen and the School of Christ. Its all for a purpose.” Graduate from the English Online SOC from Pottsville, USA

“I am a pastor evangelist from Mendoza, Argentina. I preach on the streets with a loudspeaker, and I also teach a seminary for evangelism in my country and in other countries as well. When I think about the School of Christ, two fundamental words come to mind when considering a theological school: Sound Doctrine. The School of Christ has impacted my life in such a positive way because of the sound doctrine, the ability of the teacher to transmit the lessons in such a pleasant and simple way. This material is indispensable for Spiritual growth and wisdom for any believer. I can readily recommend the SOC because its foundations are the most solid that any Bible school can have. Its foundation is Christ. God bless you.” Graduate from the Spanish Online SOC from Mendoza, Argentina

Between our English and Spanish Facebook pages of the Online School we have actively enrolled 167 students that represent 35 different countries around the world! In the USA alone we have 48 students enrolled from 15 different States. Our prayer and desire are that God will continue to use this instrument of the SOC Online School to further His Kingdom and reach many lives that are in need of the teachings, trainings and spiritual edification found within the lessons of the SOC and times of prayer. To God be the glory for all that has been accomplished through the SOC Online School and all that He will be doing in the near future!