SOC Celebrates 30 Years Of Ministry

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always  abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:57-58).

What a way to begin this New Year of 2022, celebrating our 30th Anniversary of the founding of the School of Christ International.

As we take time to reflect on these past 30 years,  Brother and Sister Clendennen are the first names that come to mind. I am reminded how God used a Pastor and his wife, from Beaumont, TX, who were in their 70’s and willing to continue being vessels in His hands. Many of us know the history of the SOC beginnings and how God used this ministry to reach all four corners of the world to train, to teach, to encourage, to bring sound doctrine, to be a demonstration of holiness and bring encouragement to the Body of Christ.

B. H. Clendennen, Janice Clendennen, and grandaughter Shannon Turnage standing in Red Square, Moscow

B. H. Clendennen, Janice Clendennen, and grandaughter Shannon Turnage standing in Red Square Moscow, Russia, in October 1991. After meeting with the Russian Bishops, Pastor Clendennen knew God had called him to Russia.

The SOC has had, still has and will continue to have
testimonies of those who were called to be ministers, of those who became missionaries, of Pastors who experienced revival in their churches, and even of those who came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

First graduating class of the School of Christ International in Moscow, Russia in 1992.

First graduating class of the School of Christ International in Moscow, Russia in 1992.

What a mighty work God has done through this faithful ministry for His Glory and His Honor. During these 30 years we watched as Brother Clendennen worked and traveled for the sake of the Precious Gospel until the Lord called him home on December 13, 2009. As well, we watched Sister Clendennen who faithfully stood by his side, traveling with him, or staying home, encouraging the work through prayer, fasting, and giving. The Lord saw fit to take her home this past year. They are and will both be greatly missed because of their dedication to the Lord, through their giving and love for the people to whom they ministered. They were treasures who walked amongst us fulfilling Paul’s words, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

The first SOC School was held in this building in Dubrowski, just outside of Moscow.

The first SOC School was held in this building in Dubrowski, just outside of Moscow.

To make the SOC an effective mission’s ministry, many people throughout the years have been invaluable assets. We would never have enough space to name each individual who has invested finances, time, and prayer, those who have worked in the home office through the years, those who have gone to the foreign fields as representatives, those who have been contacts throughout the world for the SOC to enter their countries, and those who have served in all aspects of Schools that were held. There is no way to thank each one individually today, but we take this opportunity to express that we are forever grateful for your service unto the Lord that makes available to us this rich history we are celebrating this year. We know that God is the Great Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and serve Him.

Founder B. H. and Janice Clendennen, thirty years ago in Moscow, Russia.

Founder B. H. and Janice Clendennen, thirty years ago in Moscow, Russia.

As we continue to work with the School of Christ International going forward, we would like to express our gratitude for the support and leadership of our President Pastor Robert and his wife Sister Brenda Turnage. They have faithfully served the SOC throughout the years in various areas. Sister Brenda served alongside her dad, Brother Clendennen, in all areas of administration and logistics; she continues as to date to serve alongside Pastor Turnage. Pastor Turnage supported the SOC when he was the Senior Pastor of Victory Temple and our home offices operated together from the same location. He then, after the passing of Pastor Clendennen, took on the responsibility of taking the SOC forward for future generations of ministers enabling them to receive the invaluable teachings and training that has now reached over 160 countries worldwide. We rejoice with them as eternity will testify of the fruits of their labor.

Today, they receive calls and request from around the world for the SOC to continue to grow and to move forward in the will of God. Thank you, Pastor Turnage and Sister Brenda, for your dedication and sacrifice in enabling what began with Pastor and Sister Clendennen to continue till Jesus comes.

“To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done!”



Bivian Larsen
Wife of the SOC Vice President