SOC Nicaragua Report
2 Timothy 4:1-3, "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"
These were words of encouragement for Timothy and at the same time a very clear ordinance by the apostle Paul, about the need to prevail in the work of preaching the Gospel. Following this mandate from the Word of God; the Church in Nicaragua continues to be empowered by this gospel of Pentecost. By the grace of the Lord, which works in us, this work has been unstoppable since 2007 until today!
It is not time for religious games, it is time to get up and focus on preparing the Bride; we must take advantage of the opportunity that Heaven is giving us. Both in the Pacific and the Caribbean regions of Nicaragua, the School of Christ remains active in the preparation of disciples who go out empowered to reap the harvest for the Lord.
Recently on the Caribbean coast, we held an in-house School of Christ with 22 pastors and evangelists of different denominations. These ministers came from distant communities by boat, and walking for many hours to be a part of the SOC. There was glorious encounter with the great Teacher, the Holy Spirit. It is wonderful to see that the faces of the students who enter the SOC are not the same faces when they leave. They leave full of joy as a result of the filling of the Holy Spirit.
I want to share a testimony of one of our students. Pastor Florencio Coleman, who is a pastor from the Church of God, and a man with a very outstanding academic and theological preparation. This pastor arrived at our SOC in Waspan Rio Coco. He was very sick with a sore on his right leg, and he could barely walk because of so much pain. Despite this health battle, he stayed until the end. He said, "I went to university to prepare myself in both science and theology, I thought I knew the Word, but now I realize how far I was from knowing It. I can say that I have had a true encounter with the God of Scripture. I found myself confronted about the passive and handicapped state of my spiritual life, with which I have been ministering to the Church. Each lesson for me, was a penetrating chisel chipping away in my heart. My heart was full of unforgiveness, and even in that state, I wanted to receive healing for the sore on my foot. However, it was not until the light shined on me, that I realized my need for repentance and now I can move my leg; God healed me! Hallelujah!"
These are testimonies which seal the message that we preach and teach by the Spirit. These SOC’s require 1200 kilometers (750 miles) of travel and being there for 3 weeks. Sometimes, living in conditions like the natives of the place. For this reason, I thank my team led by Pastor Joseph Grover Mayorga who make a tremendous sacrifice to reach those most in need.
Thank you for being part of this adventure of faith that began with Pastor Clendennen and will continue with each one of us until Christ returns for his Church.
In Christ
Pastor Delvis Mercado.