SOC Nicaragua

Through His mercy, God has blessed our nation of Nicaragua. This year’s work has been one of significant challenges because we must carry out the work of the School of Christ under much adversity. However, the work has marvelously advanced in this nation.

We are working in the north and south of Nicaragua and the Caribbean. We were honored to hold two wonderful congresses, one exclusively for pastors and the other for pastors and graduating students from inside and outside the country. We experienced the presence of God so strong in every service. The Word of God challenged everyone in attendance. God spoke to each heart as Missionary Richard Goebel brought powerful messages to the Church. Pastors testified that the Holy Spirit moved them to return to the Scriptures and the Word of God to prepare their church for the coming of the Lord.

We now have over 180 students being trained in SOC Schools and our work in the Maximum-Security Prison where we have seen the Glory of God with power. Since 2007, the work has been supported not by man but by a ministerial body of men whom the power of the Gospel of Pentecost has transformed.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed and contributed financially to the work of the School of Christ International. There are many testimonies of how God is using this vital tool, the School of Christ. I have said it before, and I will repeat it: Nicaragua only needs more of Christ and thank God the SOC allows me to reach my nation through this wonderful tool.