Training in Brazil Continues to Expand

Delvis Mercado - SOC Fieldworker
In a conversation with SOC Director Richard Goebel, he said that our worst enemy is time. There are those that say we have plenty of time to work, but we know we must work quickly because the Lord’s coming is at hand.
Pastor Paulo Sergio Da Silva from Vila Vela, Brazil, attended the School of Christ in Nicaragua. While there, he felt the Holy Spirit leading him to go to Burundi, Africa, to minister, as well as his home country of Brazil. Upon returning to Brazil, he quickly began to arrange to hold a School of Christ School in the city of Vilhena. He contacted thirty pastors, but due to the virus and other things, nine pastors and seven evangelists eagerly arrived to learn more about the twenty-one-day SOC training.
These men and women of God, some who traveled a long distance. My heart desired to be in the School from the beginning. However, I had an emergency operation for appendicitis and could not travel for twentyfive days. I started my trip to Brazil during the last week of training and participated in the graduation.

Graduation Service
A student, Pastor Edeclaudio from the El Shaddai Church, testified that the School of Christ had come into his life at a difficult time. During the SOC, he felt the Holy Spirit directing him on how to handle the situation. Praise God for the working of the Holy Spirit. All of the ministers that attended the SOC testified that they were renewed in their spirits.
One of the most influential pastors and the president of the city’s pastoral unit came to have breakfast with us, and I quickly gave him a presentation on the School of Christ. After listening to the presentation, he invited me to a meeting with all the leading pastors of the city. They gave me all the time I needed to preach and introduce them to the School of Christ. They are working now to have a School of Christ in their city.
To God be the Glory for opening up a door in another area of Brazil for us to train ministers, missionaries, and workers with the School of Christ International material. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and contributions so that the work of the Kingdom continues in this part of the world. God bless you.

SOC Graduating Class in Vilhena, Brazil