Update From Pastor Robert Turnage
![Pr. Robert Turnage](https://schoolofchrist.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/robert-turnage.jpg)
Pr. Robert Turnage
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
I want to give you a brief update on some very complicated weeks in my life. I will only touch on some of the highlights. Several weeks ago, I was hit with a very severe infection in my body. I went to the hospital at 4:30 AM in excruciating pain. The local Doctor would not even give me five minutes to decide which hospital I wanted to be taken to. When I was transported to St. Elizabeth Hospital, I went directly to ICU. I was seen almost immediately by a heart specialist, lung specialist, kidney specialist, and urologist. They all agreed that my entire system had shut down at one time. Their prognosis was not good. But despite what they told me, God began working a miracle in my body. Most of their bad news has changed many times for the better. At this moment, I am doing great, and even according to their reports, I am on my way to a full recovery. Thank God!
That is the reason I have not been able to contact anyone for several weeks. I have not been in my office since May 4th. Our competent staff has carried on the work of SOC flawlessly. In a matter of days or weeks, everything will be on a regular schedule. I am sorry I have not been able to receive texts or e-mails. Many of you correspond with me daily or weekly about the work you are doing for SOC and your personal prayer request. I look forward to getting back in full involvement in these personal matters with you.
This has been very hard for me to deal with, but I am excited as I look to the future. I am on my way to a complete recovery. I have experienced extreme pain and discomfort but to God be the glory for the victory He is giving.
Brother Brian has done a great job in these few days of my absence. Not one thing regarding the ministry has been affected, delayed, or suspended during my time out of the office. Thank you for your continued prayers for me and for getting behind the staff and Brother Brian as we continue this Holy work of God.
Again, I apologize for not being able to answer any correspondence sent to me. That is changing now. Please contact me at any time, and I will be there to help with whatever you need.
My special love and thanks goes to my wife, Brenda, who has had to deal with a lot of issues during this time. My brother Gary has been invaluable to me. I want to also say “Thank You” to everyone around the world that has been praying for my complete recovery.
God Bless you, Robert Turnage – President SOC