News and Updates from the School of Christ
B. H. Clendennen was an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God for fifty-five years.
SOC Students Fasting and Praying for Revival in Bolivia
SOC Students Fasting and Praying for Revival in BoliviaThe School of Christ (SOC) in Bolivia continues to grow in the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ.The graduation of the La Paz SOC, under the direction of Pastor Aruro Casas, one of the SOC field workers in Bolivia, had fourteen graduates. Pastor Miguel Vargas, field worker and…
Holy Spirit Fell in the First Prayer Meeting
Eighteen full-time students and several part-time students from Ireland, England, Germany, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Haiti, Ghana, Sweden as well as the U.S., joined us in Limerick City, Ireland for a three week School of Christ in 2018. On that first Monday, we completed the first series on “The Conflict,” and entered our…
Houston, Texas SOC Graduation
On March 31, 2019, Living Word Christian Center International in Houston, Texas held its first graduation. Robert Turnage ministered in the graduation service. Pastor Bedel Horase and his wife Marcy, held the SOC classes in their church and were instrumental in seeing that these men completed the training. Each graduate testified how much the SOC…
Ecuador Greatly Impacted by SOC
The work of the School of Christ is intense at this time in South America. The great commission is being carried out, as we are making disciples to carry the Gospel to the nations of South America.On this occasion we want to testify of the work that God, in His mercy, is allowing us to…
SOC Cuba Report
In 2008, God allowed Pastor Delvis Mercado to go to Cuba with the teachings of the School of Christ. Since the first School we have continued to train and equip the Body of Christ. This has prepared them for the work of the ministry as called by God in Ephesians 4:11-13: “ And he gave…
Honduras Report
SOC Continues to Train Pastors and Workers in Honduras Founder, B. H. Clendennen, initiated the first School of Christ in Honduras in 2005 and the work is continuing to train workers. The Republic of Honduras is an independent country in Western Central America. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Honduras and…
UAE Report
UAE School of Christ Graduates 53 Students The second School of Christ in the United Arab Emirates had to be held in four different venues due to the number of attendees and their travel time. At total of fifty-three students studied the School of Christ lessons in the cities of Satwa Dubai, Sharjah, DIP 1,…
Great Move of God in Angola, Africa SOC
School of Christ class in Angola, Africa. We praise and give glory to God for all the many doors and opportunities He has given us to carry the School of Christ throughout the world. In September God allowed us to once again teach a SOC in the country of Angola, Africa. The School was…
Mongolian Church Preparing for Revival and Missions Outreach
God continues to impact the country of Mongolia through the School of Christ. In July we held a School to train young adults who are called into the ministry. They ranged in age from 16 to 28, and half of them were committed already to full-time ministry in the churches as pastors, missionaries, small group…
Defence of the Gospel
“Set For the Defence of the Gospel” by Robert Turnage “WHO CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD INTO A LIE…” Romans 1:25 “…I AM SET FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE GOSPEL.” Philippians 1:17 The call and ministry of the School of Christ International is the same as it has always been with every other God-ordained ministry.…
SOC Moving Forward in Germany
Keith Malcomson – SOC Director SOC Moving Forward in Germany Our annual one-week School of Christ in Marienberg, Germany, was held the first week of June. The attending students were made up of local church leadership, street evangelists, new church planters, and ministers that are preparing for the ministry. We preached several times a day…
First SOC Among the Rohingya People in Myanmar
School of Christ students in Rakhine State, Myanmar. In April, 2018, I traveled to Rakhine State, in Myanmar, where the Rohingya people, one of the world’s most persecuted minorities, live. A civil war has been going on for decades in this hate-filled corner of the world. News agencies are calling it the worst humanitarian crisis…
18 Churches Planted by 2010 SOC Graduate
SOC Vice-President Brian Larsen (Left), Pastor Antonio Balmacedo and wife (Center), and SOC Worker/Translator Maxi Mitano. My name is Antonio Balmaceda, and I am a missionary/pastor along with my wife, working in Posadas, Misiones, Argentina. In 2010, I found myself without the strength to continue in the ministry, and was at the point of…
India School of Christ Reunion
When Pastor Osborne called to ask if the School of Christ could help financially with the expenses of the India SOC Reunion, I immediately felt this was ordained of God. These three men of God preached, encouraged, prayed, and fellowshipped with the attending pastors and workers, all former graduates of the SOC. The work of…