The antichrist

It would take volumes of books to properly and adequately address this Bible subject. In a few words, I will give a few Scriptural truths about this man…

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The Word Of God

This article’s subject is such that I felt I should share from the only sufficient authority for its message, the Bible. My comments will be fewer in number.

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Convention 2022

Pr. Robert Turnage – President SOC In crisis times, the devil will work overtime to disrupt the work of the Almighty God. His time is short. Some people are discouraged, confused, and listen to every voice being sounded. They go along in their confusions, believing every lie and trick of hell, that they are in…

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Mission Message (March 2022)

I begin this post with great carefulness. My subject is Deity, Who is eternal, beyond measure, indescribable, of which no human can do more than attempt to speak about Him. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

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School Of Christ International Online School Report

The vision and thoughts of an Online SOC School has been something we have been praying about for some time. We have researched various ways to make this possible. During the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, God provided the means for the Online SOC to become a reality.

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Outreach To The Asian Community In The USA

From June 11th through September 4th, 2021, I traveled over 10,000 miles across the United States with Karen Pastor Joseph ministering to the Karen people who immigrated to the US.

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Krasnodar, Russia SOC

At the beginning of the School of Christ International in Krasnodar, Russia, I explained to the students that the name School of Christ is not just some brand or the name of an organization.

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Revival In The Asian Community

From June 11th through September
4th, 2021, I traveled over 10,000 miles across the United States with Karen Pastor Joseph ministering to the Karen people who immigrated to the US.

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