SOC Nicaragua Report
By the grace of the Lord, which works in us, this work has been unstoppable since 2007 until today!
Read MoreSOC Work In The Caribbean Of Nicaragua
By Delvis Mercado. I thank God that, in His mercy, He allows us to continue preparing the Bride of Christ. We know that the Father is preparing…
Read MoreSOC Nicaragua
Through His mercy, God has blessed our nation of Nicaragua. This year’s work has been one of significant challenges
Read MoreGod Made a Way Where There Seemed To Be No Way
Pastor Grover, one of the SOC workers, received a call from Pastor Plutario expressing his desire to attend the SOC Conference in Nicaragua.
Read MoreNicaragua Update
Conditions In Nicaragua are very unsettled. The government is arresting anyone who is opposed
to the government or claims to be running for president.
It is our desire to let you know what God is doing in Nicaragua through this message from the School of Christ International. I am always amazed at the Men of God that come to go through the SOC. Some arrive with the mind set of distrust, not knowing exactly what to expect. They are…
Read MoreNicaraguan Prison Update
Thanks be to God that the School of Christ continues to advance in the Nicaraguan prisons. Two years ago when the door opened up for us to teach the School of Christ in the National Penitentiary System, our first duty was to train and equip chaplains and ministers. Pastor Gustavo Miranda, SOC field-worker and head…
Read MoreDoors of Ministry Remain Open in Nicaragua
God bless you Pastor/President Robert Turnage, School of Christ Staff, and Supporters: Praising the Lord that the work here in Nicaragua still continues. The Gospel of Pentecost is being preached and the doors of ministry are remaining open. We are moving forward in the work of God that has been entrusted to us. Nicaragua needs…
Read MoreNicaragua School and Conference by Dr. Marion Dodson
The School of Christ leaders from several South American countries met for a time of fasting and prayer, and the graduation of the School of Christ in Tipitopa, Nicaragua. This meeting was held at the newly constructed facility of the Abundant Faith Church. This wonderful building allows us to house thirty students and gives the…
Read MoreNicaragua Report by Richard Goebel
In June we traveled to Jalapa, Nicaragua for three days of fasting and prayer for pastors that had graduated the School of Christ. As word spread about the conference, many other pastors joined us because they saw first-hand the effects the School of Christ had on the lives of pastors that graduated; their desire is…
Read MoreNicaragua Report by Delvis Mercado Soza
By the mercy of God the work of the School of Christ in Nicaragua is growing. We are running four new Schools with a student population of sixty students from different parts of the country. We are continuing the work of the School in the maximum security prison here. There are more than four thousand…
Read MoreNicaragua Report by Dr. Marion Dodson
We just finished the School of Christ in Coco River Waspan, Nicaragua, with twenty four graduates. We faced a very difficult situation because of the social policy. In this region there are two groups that have taken over all commercial land and air travel. Therefore, all transportation in the area is stopped. However, in the…
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