News and Updates from the School of Christ

New Doors Open in Mongolia for SOC by Joel Pledge

By Joel Pledge | June 14, 2016

Pastor Darkhan Mukhko listened to the School of Christ on MP3 in 2013. The Lord really touched his life and he was determined to attend a School when he could. In the spring of 2014 we held a School in the south of Mongolia. Even though Pastor Mukhko lives in the north he traveled by…

SOC Transforms Lives of High School Students by Richard Goebel

By Richard Goebel | June 14, 2016

In November we traveled to La Paz, Bolivia, for a week of services and to graduate students that had completed the School of Christ. La Paz is the highest administrative capital in the world, resting on the Andes’ Altiplano plateau more than 11,975 ft. above sea level. The people were very attentive to the Word…

China Report by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | April 26, 2016

We were invited to the Anhui Province in Eastern China to run a School of Christ. This is a very poor Province in China and is often referred to as the “Appalachia of China.” Persecution of the churches is on the rise in China and, because of this, we encountered some problems with running this…

Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan Native SOC Team Being Formed

By Brenda Turnage | April 18, 2016

Praise the Lord for what He is doing in this region of the world through the School of Christ. Our missionary workers, known only as the “Ukraine Brothers,” report a growing demand for the SOC teaching. They have just graduated a School in Kyrgyzstan with forty-one ministers in attendance. Sixteen ministers were from Uzbekistan and…

First Full-Time SOC in Ethiopian Prison by Richard Goebel

By Richard Goebel | April 14, 2016

We have had a great struggle getting into the prisons of Ethiopia. We have had services, I have preached in the prisons, but to run a full School of Christ has been most difficult. The Lord opened the door for us to run a School in the Hawassa Prison. This School was very difficult and…

Venezuela Report by Donal Chance

By Donal Chance | March 1, 2016

Due to the continuing unrest, many Americans have been banned from traveling to Venezuela. Missionaries have also been arrested. Yet in the midst of the unrest God has helped us to set things in order in case this day came. We through the School of Christ International, forewarned them to plant crops, raise animals, fast,…

Russia Report by Yakov Demyanchuk

By Yakov Demianchuk | February 29, 2016

This week held a School of Christ for young people. We had 127 students in attendance. Last night in the service there was a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. For hours there was singing, praying, and tears of repentance. It was after midnight when the students returned to their cabins to sleep. Praise the…

Angola Prison Report by Donal Chance

By Donal Chance | November 11, 2015

What a wonderful day we live in to be working for God and to be a small part of what God is doing through the School of Christ under the leadership of President, Robert Turnage, Sister Brenda, and their staff. Warden Burl Cain called my son, Pastor Donal Chance Jr., to come to his office…

Russia Report by Joel Pledge

By Joel Pledge | November 3, 2015

We held our first ten-day School of Christ Pentecost Conference in Western Russia and we invited everyone that was thirsty for a renewal of Pentecost to join us. The speakers were Andrey Sekhin, the area director for the School of Christ; Roman Dombrauskas, graduate of the School of Christ in 1992 and leader of a…

China Report by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | November 2, 2015

In March, we had four Conferences of the School of Christ in different cities of China. Due to circumstances in China, there were relatively few people who were able to attend. In the first Conference we had around 30 people, the next two we had 50 people in each, and in the last Conference we…

Cambodia Report by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | October 26, 2015

We had a great School of Christ evangelistic service in Cambodia. We expected around 300 people, but 500 people came to the service. The atmosphere was filled with Holy Spirit and it was very easy to preach. People were listening to the Word of God with their full attention and more than 300 people received…

Myanmar Report by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | October 23, 2015

Statistically speaking, there is about 0.1% of Christians in this region of Myanmar. Pastor Vadim from Russia, who was in the School of Christ in 2003 in Ukraine, has a church which supports orphanages in Magwe, Myanmar, with 19 children. Pastor Vadim asked me for help so that they could have a School of Christ…

Rikers Prison Report by Pete Spackman

By Pete Spackman | October 22, 2015

Since February the School of Christ has been going to Rikers Island—New York City’s main jail complex. There are nine different prisons on the island, but we have concentrated on one, the Otis Bantum Correctional Center. It is by far the worst prison on Rikers Island. It is not like any prison I have been…

Middle East Report by Daren Downs

By Daren Downs | October 20, 2015

At the end of January we headed back into Egypt. For the last three years we had faced many hindrances due to political and social situations throughout the Middle East. We were invited to teach the School of Christ to Assemblies of God pastors and leaders. The School was held in Alexandria with pastors coming…

Honduras Report by Paul Newby

By Paul Newby | October 19, 2015

The School of Christ in Tela, Honduras, was a remarkable School. It was deep in the heart of African Palm trees just north of Tela.  We drove for hours into, seemingly, the middle of nowhere, but it became crystal clear that God knew where we were!  He was precious in our midst. We are extremely…

Cuba Report by Richard Goebel

By Richard Goebel | October 16, 2015

There is truly a great move of God’s Spirit happening within the nation of Cuba.  Pastor Mercado writes. “The work continues to advance in the nation of Cuba. The Word of our Lord Jesus Christ is being fulfilled when he said, “and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hell…

Ukraine Report by Stephan Ran

By Stephan Ran | October 15, 2015

Stephan Ran, a Field Director for the School of Christ, is in charge of running Schools all over the Ukraine and Russia. The School of Christ in Ternopol, Ukraine, is for students that feel they are called to be missionaries. Fifteen students graduated in November, 2014 and are now full-time missionaries. Remember these students in…

Russia Report by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | September 3, 2015

I met the Elder Pastor of New Life Church at a Conference where I was preaching a message from the School of Christ. The teaching touched the heart of the Pastor and he invited me to a Conference at their Assembly, where I had an opportunity to share more teachings from the School of Christ.…

Germany Report by Keith Malcomson

By Keith Malcomson | September 2, 2015

Germany has been a long time burden for me. I first went there at the age of 18 as a British soldier in service to the Queen but returned there soon after as a preacher of the Gospel in service to the King. For several years we faced numerous problems in connection with translation work,…

SOC Report 2014 by Brian Larsen

By Brian Larsen | January 14, 2015

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