News and Updates from the School of Christ

Mission Message

By Robert Turnage | February 10, 2018

 Robert Turnage – SOC President In 1990, Pastor Clendennen preached a series of messages that he later printed in book form, entitled “Restoring the Message of Pentecost.” I have recently revisited these messages and book. Here, almost twenty-eight years later, it exploded in my heart and spirit the significance and urgency of the truth of…

Monclova, Mexico Report

By Lawrence Register | February 5, 2018

      The first School of Christ that was held in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, was blessed and anointed by the Lord. The six graduating students were very dedicated to the purpose of learning and growing in Christ. The Holy Spirit would fall over each of them, and it was a blessing to watch the…

SOC Equips, Encourages, Instructs, and Traines Workers in Kyrgyzstan

By Brenda Turnage | January 25, 2018

(For security purposes we have not included pictures and names in this article) In November, the a team of Christian Brothers, in cooperation with the local church, held a three-week School of Christ in Kyrgyzstan. We had 15 pastors and missionaries that attended the School full-time. We were asked by the church to run the…

SOC Interrupted by Weeping and Crying Out for Revival

By Joel Pledge | January 20, 2018

  Joel Pledge – Director God is moving by His Spirit in Mongolia! We just returned from a School of Christ in the city of Erdenet, Mongolia, where we had 65 students in attendance. This School began with intense prayer, worship, and the study of God’s Word. Andrey and I had preached a Missions Conference…

Mission Message – Robert Turnage

By Robert Turnage | January 19, 2018

  Robert Turnage – SOC President   With all that is taking place in the Middle East, I want to share with you an excerpt from Pastor Clendennen’s book, “Three Key Prophecies of the End-Time,” written in 60’s. “For all practical purposes, the world is moving into the time of Jacob’s trouble or Daniel’s missing…

December Mission Message – Robert Turnage – President

By Brenda Turnage | December 29, 2017

We were blessed to have former School of Christ students Andrey and his wife Lyudmyla Syrisko, and Stepan Volenk come to the Beaumont office of the School of Christ to meet with Pastor/President Robert Turnage regarding the work of SOC in the Ukraine and surrounding countries. Andrey and his wife now live in Seattle, Washington,…

SOC continues to Change Lives at Angola State Penitentiary

By Donal Chance | December 25, 2017

The Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola is a maximum-security prison farm. It is operated by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections. It is the largest maximum-security prison in the United States with 6,300 prisoners and 1,800 staff, including corrections officers, janitors, maintenance, and wardens. It is located on an 18,000-acre property that was…

China – A Door Open That No Man Can Shut

By Brenda Turnage | December 20, 2017

(For security purposes we have not included pictures and names in this article) In June 2017, we were invited by local leaders of the underground church in Eastern China to run a School of Christ School. Here in the land of Chairman Mao and the Great Wall, Christianity has very little freedom. The government does…

400 Students Attend SOC in Brazil

By Brian Larsen | December 20, 2017

We have seen God’s hand moving in extraordinary ways! In the month of June we had the privilege to travel to the northern region of Brazil to teach the School of Christ in the state of Amapá. The School was held at the Assembly of God Church in the city of Laranjal do Jari, which…

Russian School of Christ Youth Camp

By David Gearheart | December 15, 2017

 David Gearheart – SOC Director  Yakov Demianchuk – Field- Worker   We have just finished our summer School of Christ Youth Camp with 130 young people in attendance. Our study this year was the series: “Faith.” During this week of camp the Lord was present to save and fill believers. Many rededicated their lives and…

Uzbekistan SOC Changes Lives

By Brenda Turnage | December 7, 2017

(For security purposes we have not included pictures or names.) In June, 2017, a School of Christ was run in Uzbekistan, with thirty-five students. Facing severe persecution, they were forced to run the School in a remote area. God began to move from the very beginning of the School. There were students filled with the…

Southeast Asia Experiencing Revival

By David Jacobson | December 1, 2017

David Jacobson – SOC Director I was invited to attended the World Missions Conference in Seoul, South Korea in February, 2017 by Pastor Kim. Not knowing what to expect, I was delightfully surprised that everything was clean and well kept. There was an openness toward Christianity almost everywhere. Christian music could be heard in the…

Testimony from Bulgaria

By Vasil Krivonozov | December 1, 2017

It is a great joy for me to tell how God Worked in my life through the School of Christ. I am the pastor of an Assemblies of God Church in Bulgaria. I received my education and did not have any room for the Holy Spirit. When I began preaching it was with the aspiration…

Powerful SOC in North Sudan

By Brenda Turnage | November 27, 2017

(Pictures and names are withheld for security reasons.) It can be very difficult, at times, to write reports about the work of the School of Christ in East Africa; not because the work is not moving ahead or because we are not seeing victories, but because North Sudan is predominantly Islamic. The residents are ruled…

SOC Continues In Asia

By Brenda Turnage | November 22, 2017

(For security purposes we have not included photos or the names of the workers.) Praise the Lord for such a great move of God among the students that were able to attend the Asia School of Christ.  We had a total of 58 students from the countries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Karakalpakstan. Religious persecution…

Post Christian America

By Robert Turnage | November 21, 2017

  Robert Turnage – SOC President (This article was originally published in the April, 2017 issue of the School of Christ Missions Report) I was shocked several weeks ago when I heard a news anchor say that we are living in a “Post Christian America.” As a lover of God and America, and having never…

Ethiopian Ministers Fast, Pray, & Prepare for the Work of God

By Richard Goebel | November 21, 2017

   Richard Goebel – SOC Director In March I traveled to Ethiopia to spend time with the pastors and leaders of the School of Christ. We had a tremendous week of fellowship, preaching, and planning. It was my goal to make plans to push forward in the country of Ethiopia.* I believe very strongly that…

Spiritual Renewing As Russian Students Study SOC

By David Gearheart | November 21, 2017

 David Gearheart – SOC Director  Yakov Demyanchuk – Field-Worker Greeting to President Robert Turnage, Sister Brenda, and School of Christ Staff. We are just finishing the School of Christ in the Republic of Karelia. Coming from different regions of Russia, the 30 students were made up of pastors, missionaries, and workers. This was a time…

Mongolian Church Experiencing Revival

By Joel Pledge | November 21, 2017

 Joel Pledge – SOC Director The Mongolian Church is experiencing revival as a result of the ministry of the School of Christ! In March of 2017, Andrey Sekhin and I traveled to Mongolia to minister and graduate the School of Christ. We ministered to a group of approximately fifty students in the city of Darhan.…

Venezuelan SOC Students Continue the Work for God Amid Crisis

By Donal Chance | November 21, 2017

 Donal Chance, Sr. – SOC Director We heard Pastor Clendennen say so many times, “We must train the native pastors because there will come a time when we cannot get in.” That is the situation in Venezuela now. The impact of Venezuela’s economic collapse on its people is almost impossible to put into words. In…

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