News and Updates from the School of Christ

Mission Message – Robert Turnage – President

By Robert Turnage | November 21, 2017

 Robert Turnage – SOC President (This article was published in the June, 2017 School of Christ Mission Report)  The world is in darkness and there is a gross darkness over the people (Isaiah 60:2). When Jesus was speaking of certain developments in the end-time, He would follow up with words such as, “but the end…

SOC Training Missionaries and Workers in Ukraine

By Brenda Turnage | November 21, 2017

The “Ukraine Brothers” are a group of School of Christ leaders that are full-time missionaries carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to open and closed countries. Report: The ‘Ukraine Brothers” have been very actively running School of Christ Schools in different parts of the Ukraine and occupied territories. Two Schools have just graduated in the…

Doors of Ministry Remain Open in Nicaragua

By Delvis Soza | November 21, 2017

God bless you Pastor/President Robert Turnage, School of Christ Staff, and Supporters: Praising the Lord that the work here in Nicaragua still continues. The Gospel of Pentecost is being preached and the doors of ministry are remaining open. We are moving forward in the work of God that has been entrusted to us. Nicaragua needs…

Praying for God to Send Revival to Hungary

By Tamas D’Nagy | November 21, 2017

Lee Shipp – SOC Director Tamas  D’Nagy & Wife – SOC Field-Worker – Budapest-Paks, Hungary Dear Brothers, Sisters, Intercessors, and Supporters: The School of Christ courses are still being taught here in Hungary. We have just graduated five students from four different churches. Our prayer is that more churches will embrace the School and more…

God’s Time for Bangladesh in NOW

By David Jacobson | November 20, 2017

 David Jacobson – SOC Director When the School of Christ material was translated into the Bengali language in 2005, we started working in different areas of Bangladesh. However, a continuous work had never been established. God laid a burden on my heart for the people and country of Bangladesh. I was very excited when the…

Graduation Held for Two Schools in Uganda

By Harold Hanks | November 20, 2017

Uganda has a population of over 37 million people. This landlocked country, according to statistics, has 8.5 million people who live without safe drinking water. Even under these horrific conditions, the School of Christ is making a huge impact with its life-changing message. We have just returned from holding the graduation services for the last…

Japan Strengthened Through SOC Teachings

By Brian Larsen | November 20, 2017

 Brian Larsen – SOC Vice President/Director What a privilege to be able to conduct the graduation services for three School of Christ Schools in Japan. The work of the School of Christ is run under the supervision of Pr. Yukio Yasaka, our Field-Director for Japan. He is the pastor of the Brazilian Assemblies of God…

Cuba SOC Graduates over 300 Students by Richard Goebel

By Richard Goebel | July 20, 2017

The work of the School of Christ continues to grow in Cuba. Our Fieldworker, Pastor Reynoso, is a man who continually puts the work of SOC before his own safety. He has sacrificed all so that others may hear the Gospel and attend the School of Christ. The recent purchase of a bicycle has allowed…

Evangelism by Myanmar SOC Graduates by Andrey Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | July 19, 2017

In March, 2016, we held a School of Christ in Myanmar. One of the students was Pastor Samuel. During the School, he asked if I would come and minister to his village because there were only three Christian families in the entire village, and the rest were Buddhist. I agreed to go. When we arrived,…

SOC in Andes Mountains Strong and Growing by Richard Goebel

By Richard Goebel | July 17, 2017

In October, 2016, Field-Worker Delvis Mercado and I held another School of Christ in La Paz, Bolivia, which is located at the top of the Andes Mountains. We had a very attentive and disciplined class consisting mostly of pastors who came from several different denominations. We are always grateful when we can have brethren from…

Nicaragua School and Conference by Dr. Marion Dodson

By Dr Marion Dodson | July 14, 2017

The School of Christ leaders from several South American countries met for a time of fasting and prayer, and the graduation of the School of Christ in Tipitopa, Nicaragua. This meeting was held at the newly constructed facility of the Abundant Faith Church. This wonderful building allows us to house thirty students and gives the…

Russia Report by Yakov Deminachuk

By Brenda Turnage | January 10, 2017

We had a great youth School of Christ this year in Ivangorod, Russia, with one hundred and thirty young people in attendance. The Holy Spirit came and filled the hearts of these young people. There was a lot of repenting, and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit. We prayed for many hours, and no…

Hungary Report by Lee Shipp

By Lee Shipp | January 6, 2017

For many years, we have been privileged to travel to Hungary and meet with churches and their pastors and leaders, many of whom have been students in the School of Christ. Our trip to Hungary this year was very difficult with a great deal of spiritual warfare. There were many demonic attacks that came against…

Germany Report by Keith Malcomsom

By Keith Malcomson | January 5, 2017

At the end of April 2016, we once again held the School of Christ in the Eastern region of Germany, south of Berlin. We had 31 students, which included pastors and missionaries, who gathered from different towns and cities in Germany for this intensive time of prayer and the teaching of God’s Word. Several visitors…

Israel Report by Curtis McGehee

By Curtis McGehee | January 4, 2017

We are witnessing in Israel a rapid and strong growth, with the gathering of Arab speaking people coming to Christ. Working together with Pastor Marwan Beem, we have seen the Lord open doors across Israel. The majority of the Pastors of the churches we are associated with in Israel, have received the Baptism of the…

Myanmar Report by Andrea Sekhin

By Andrea Sekhin | November 16, 2016

We had a great School of Christ in Magway which is in Central Myanmar. The students were made up of pastors, leaders, and young people. This was our second SOC in this area. Our first School was one year ago, and we have seen a great harvest for Christ. Christianity is very weak in this…

Vietnam Report by David Jacobson

By David Jacobson | November 14, 2016

The day Brother Clendennen went home to be with the Lord, he uttered, “Fruit, fruit, fruit everywhere.” Looking back over the School of Christ we just finished, we can testify that his utterance was even more prophetic than we could have imagined for Vietnam. The nation of Vietnam was very special to Brother Clendennen. Years…

Prison Report

By Brenda Turnage | October 7, 2016

We are seeing a great revival come to the prisons through the School of Christ Correspondence Course. The School of Christ is sent free to all who are currently in prison. If you know of someone who would like to receive the SOC material send us their mailing information. Here are two testimonies we received…

India Report by SOC Fieldworker

By Brenda Turnage | October 5, 2016

What a time we had in India! It was not an easy road as no one has been to India for quite some time with the School of Christ. The superintendent who had invited me had never heard of Brother Clendennen, but he had heard of the School of Christ. We had 30 students—half were…

Russia Report by Joel Pledge

By Joel Pledge | October 3, 2016

West Russia has been greatly impacted by the School of Christ and the revival fire of the Holy Spirit. Last December we preached the first week of the School of Christ in Smolensk, Russia. The local pastor, Andrey Vladimervich, graduated in 1997 from a School of Christ in Kemerovo, Russia, which was taught by Pastor…

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